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Tiles To Colorbond Metal Roof - Mitcham

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Tiles To Colorbond Metal Roof | Mitcham | Melbourne | Roofrite

Tile to Metal Colorbond Roof Replacement

The best way to change the look of your home is to give it a… Colorbond Roof.

A Colorbond Roof completely transforms how your home looks. A great example is this recent tile off tin on Colorbond reroof project we completed in Mitcham.

The existing roof tiles were brittle and beyond repair so the owners opted to replace the roof with a new Colorbond roof and in the process change the look of the property.

The Roof Replacement Process

Wondering what the process is?

We remove only a few sheets at a time and keep a tarp handy in case the weather changes suddenly - this is Melbourne after all! A skip is essential for all the removed tiles to be removed from site. If we can get the skip right next to the house, it reduces the labour time to remove the tiles from the roof and therefore the cost for the homeowner.

Laying The New Roof Battens

As we’re removing the tiles, we prep the roof to receive metal roofing by laying new top-hat battens. These are required because Zincalume or Colorbond or even Galvanised roofing require a different batten spacing to tiles. Metal top hat battens are also easy to drill the new roof sheets on to.

Sizalation Blanket Foil

It’s essential to lay sizalation blanket foil next to address condensation that will naturally form on the underside of the metal roof. The sizalation blanket enables any condensation to drip on to the foil instead of the ceiling. A side benefit is it has a small R value rating.

Colorbond Roof Sheets

Next the Colorbond roof sheets go on and then lastly all the flashings and cappings to cover the joins and make everything watertight.

Job done.

A roof this size takes about a week from start to finish and typically falls in the $30-$35K range including new quad guttering.

Ask us how we can transform your home. Call 9499 8059 and talk to one of the team today.

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